Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This week's cell phone atrocity award goes to ...

Thursday, February 08, 2007
By Peter Leo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

This week's cell phone atrocity award goes to a Colorado woman who had to be escorted off a plane because she refused to stop yakking on her cell phone. To be fair to the cell phone community, it apparently was a case of DWI, Dialing While Intoxicated. According to the police report, Kimberly C. Graf admitted that her pre-boarding procedures included three beers and two shots at the St. Louis airport.

"She repeatedly took out her cell phone and began making calls on it," according to BonitaNews.com, a Web site for a Florida newspaper. She got a police escort after the plane landed in Ft. Myers, Fla. The long-suffering flight crew decided not to press charges. Seems to us the long-suffering passengers deserved a free drink.

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